Fitness Motivation for Females 50 and Over

Fitness Motivation for Females 50 and Over

I have fitness motivation for females 50 and over. But if you don’t want to work hard then skip this advice. Fitness goals, along with anything important, require effort. I lost 15 pounds in 6 weeks for my eldest son’s wedding. I promise you, it was not easy, but it was achievable.

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#KruegerKindness: Flaunt it if You Got it

#KruegerKindness: Flaunt it if You Got it

#KruegerKindness: Flaunt it if You Got it

#KruegerKindness was trending last week because of a group of jealous women. The topic hit home after writing about cyberbullying, which then put Liz Krueger’s scenario off until this week’s Hair Police. For those not in the know Liz Krueger was a “target” for wearing a sexy dress to a wedding. Her story later ran throughout social media and major publications. What’s your opinion?Continue reading

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Waist Trainer Tips: How to Exercise in a Waist Trainer

Waist Trainer Tips: How to Exercise in a Waist Trainer

Waist Trainer Tips: How to Exercise in a Waist Trainer

In need of waist trainer tips? Learn to exercise in a waist trainer properly with waist trainer tips from fitness personality and founder of Mizzfit, Bianca Jade.Continue reading

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