Fitness Motivation for Females 50 and Over

Fitness Motivation for Females 50 and Over

TGIF – Thank God It’s Fitness Motivation

TGIF gorgeous! Subscribers know I am transitioning from beauty blogging to a broader writing career. I was going to write “more serious” instead of broader, however, I am very serious about the beauty industry. Additionally, those who know me understand I don’t take myself seriously. So, thanks for your visit to Ask the Pro Stylist. The website name remains for now, until further notice, with writings, poems, and today, fitness advice for women over 50.

You came here for fitness motivation. I have that, and like I said in the open, it isn’t easy! I am offering you an opportunity to run if you don’t want to work hard. If you’re still eager, then read on.

My Fitness Journey

I have always been thin and athletic. And, I won’t apologize for that. Good genes or not, hard work makes it possible. However, staying that way at 56 after 4 babies was not easy. I like to eat; rich Italian food, chips, pretzels, chocolate, and wine. But you must know when to leave the table, cork up the bottle, and avoid the snacks and goody aisle. Period.

After the bridal shower on January 6, I had until February 16 to lose 15 pounds. That was my goal. Family and friends would say I was not heavy or overweight. They’d probably say I was crazy for wanting to lose 15 pounds. It was an accumulation of holidays, loss of employment, and gasp, getting fucking older. Yeah, that happens and yeah, our metabolism slows.


Weight gain is also a result of a lack of estrogen due to menopause. I don’t suffer from perimenopause symptoms. As a matter of fact, I still get a regular, full-out period. My gynecologists have examined me and said I am fine. They’ve run tests, and the determination is that all is well. My mother was the same, well into her sixties. I’ve read menopause could be delayed by the more pregnancies a woman has had, and the longer babies were nursed. That makes sense. However, I notice that I am losing estrogen and collagen with weight gain around my midsection and sagging skin.

I don’t want the focus of this post to be on menopause. It has been my experience that most doctors don’t discuss it in detail, or at least not with me because I still am menstrual. I recommend listening to the below podcast with Melanie Robbins on menopause. As a result, I plan on finding a menopause practitioner to discuss my situation and learn if this is dangerous for me. I am also interested in HRT because I learned it helps with high LDL. Ironically, my health and bloodwork are picture perfect except for my LDL, despite eating a plant-based diet and avoiding red meat.

Watch What You Eat

Watching what you eat is not negotiable. Weight loss is not only about healthy eating habits. You can overeat on healthy foods. Leave the table when you are 80% full. What you require is a dialogue between you and your doctor. For me, my age and proportions, I require around 1450 calories daily. For 6 weeks I diligently ate that amount of calories or less. But, I wasn’t hungry. I stopped all alcohol, snacks, and sugar (even in my coffee). Alcohol and snacks are loaded with sugar. Nor did I starve myself or deprive myself of food.

I increased my daily water intake and worked the 16:8 fast on occasion. It’s not hard. As a result, I felt great and had the most restful sleep. In addition, I have always begun my days with 2 large glasses of water and a glass of warm lemon water. This has been a consistent regimen for me for the past 10 years. Then, I have coffee. I love my friend Mel who recently shared this topic on her podcast. It works. You’ll thank me. Your body will thank you. But my journey also included fitness.


I am a huge fan of working out at home. It requires tremendous determination and motivation and is not for everyone. My reasoning is: that I despise, literally, hate going to the gym.

Why? For starters, I am a busy woman, as are you! The time it takes to pack my gym bag, get in the car, and drive to the gym is time wasted not exercising. I’d rather do it at home with my equipment, weights, and gear, and participate in life such as walking, running, hiking, and swimming.

I tried gyms and memberships but hated getting ogled because I wasn’t there to meet men. I was there to work hard, sweat, and grunt (and sometimes it sounds sexual), which doesn’t mean I want to have sex with anyone at the gym. Nor, am I the girl with the fake eyelashes, lipstick, a full face of makeup, and a cute ponytail bouncing around. I am impatient and do not like waiting for machines or taking classes with inexperienced instructors. Finally, I’m not too fond of germs. People are supposed to clean the machines, but I rarely see it.

Fitness Motivation for 50 and Over Females

Since I was a teen, (if you were paying attention to my written age above), about 40 years ago, I would work out at home. I bought dumbbells and did what was necessary to be fit because I was motivated. Around that time Jane Fonda and Richard Simmons started recording workouts to VHS tapes. I was hooked and have been since for guided and instructional workouts. Now I pay a membership to Bodi, formerly Beach Body to access incredible trainers such as Shaun T. They inspire me as I learn about fitness.

I worked out for 2 hours a day for six weeks to reach my goal. It was like I was in training, but I loved every second of it. I have always alternated between cardio and resistance over these 40 years (even while pregnant) and increased and added to my regimen to speed up the result. Damn, I looked good for that wedding. Better yet, I felt amazing.


A brief homage to Oprah’s special on Obesity & Weight-Loss Drugs. I watched it and recommend everyone does as it expels certain myths about obesity. It is important to note all the experts on the program state that weight-loss drugs are not enough. Nutrition and exercise are equally important.

Manifest it

As part of my journey and fitness motivation, I began manifestation. No! Nothing will magically appear in your lap if you wish it to be. However, manifestation drives the goal with each daily renewal. When you write it out, you reinforce the notion of your manifestation. For me, it was I am (such and such) weight. I utilized the 3,6,9 method, reaching my destination weight on time. I enjoyed the journey and appreciated the result that much more. Give your objectives to the universe and make it a reality!

Thanks for Stopping By

I hope my journey inspired you and provided some fitness motivation. Please return as I continue to evolve. I am currently writing an interesting novel, so stay tuned for details.

Do you want to work in the beauty field? Purchase my book, The Future Professional’s Guide to Cosmetology. Hopefully, it will answer your questions regarding a beautiful career. If you have a question regarding cosmetology or beauty careers, please email me at

©Deirdre Haggerty 2024. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. It is unlawful to reproduce this article or any part without the author’s prior written permission and consent.

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