Justin Bieber Wears a Onesie When Bus Busted for Pot in Sweden

Justin Bieber Wears a Onesie When Bus Busted for Pot in Sweden

Justin Bieber wore a baby’s onesie when his tour bus was busted for pot in Sweden and TMZ thinks the Fashion Police should have arrested the “Baby” singer.

Oh baby, baby, baby! If the 19-year-old wants to party with the big boys, then he should NOT be caught wearing a onesie. According to a photo obtained by TMZ, Justin Bieber and Lil Za were donning red and white onesies respectively as they were heading on to the now infamous tour bus that contained marijuana and a stun gun while the superstar was in Stockholm Sweden for a big show.

A onesie? The photo of Justin Bieber and Lil Za is above and the look is just perplexing. However, during ‘The X Factor” Long Island auditions, two female teenagers were spotted wearing onesies. At first I thought the girls were wearing the pajamas over their clothes to stay warm as they waited outside in the cold to audition. But now, after seeing Justin Bieber wearing similar attire in Sweden, the question remains; were they high or just starting a foolish and bizarre fashion trend?

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this article may be reproduced without prior written permission and consent from the author. 

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