Why Eyelash Extensions Could Damage Your Natural Lashes

Why Eyelash Extensions Could Damage Your Natural Lashes

Why Eyelash Extensions Could Damage Your Natural Lashes

Eyelash extensions are eye opening; make us appear younger, and are sexy as hell. However, they could damage your natural lashes. Find out how to save your natural lashes in today’s beauty advice with Ask the Pro Stylist.

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The Beauty of Aging: “I am Woman”

The Beauty of Aging: “I am Woman”

The beauty of aging: “I am strong, I am invincible, I am woman!” Helen Reddy’s lyrics resonate as I finish my Master’s Degree in English at ASU and reflect upon one of my last literature courses this semester. The final book focusing on WWII is a resounding recollection of the strength of women, which only deepens my resolve to evolve to be the best I can be. “I CAN DO ANYTHING!”

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Beauty Pageants, Feminism And Trump; You Might be Surprised (or not): Book Review

Beauty Pageants, Feminism And Trump; You Might be Surprised (or not): Book Review

What do beauty pageants, feminism, and Trump have in common? You might be surprised by the answer, or not, found in the following, highly recommended book by Hilary Levey Friedman. Grab your copy today and head to the beach for a great summer read!

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