Why Eyelash Extensions Could Damage Your Natural Lashes

Why Eyelash Extensions Could Damage Your Natural Lashes

Why Eyelash Extensions Could Damage Your Natural Lashes

Eyelash extensions are eye opening; make us appear younger, and are sexy as hell. However, they could damage your natural lashes. Find out how to save your natural lashes in today’s beauty advice with Ask the Pro Stylist.

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Why Magnetic Eyelashes Are This Friday’s Favorite Beauty Product Of The Week

Why Magnetic Eyelashes Are This Friday’s Favorite Beauty Product Of The Week

Why Magnetic Eyelashes Are This Friday’s Favorite Beauty Product Of The Week

Magnetic eyelashes are a must-have beauty product for those less adept at applying false ones. Eylure is this Friday’s Favorite. Find out why in Ask the Pro Stylist’s weekly beauty product review.

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