The Walking Dead Hair Has The Hair Police Looking For Scissors

The Walking Dead Hair Has The Hair Police Looking For Scissors

The Walking Dead Hair Has The Hair Police Looking For Scissors

The Walking Dead hair has the Hair Police on the hunt for scissors, and it’s high time Eugene had a makeover. Although the 80s zipper-head mullet has been the character’s trademark since his arrival in season 4, Eugene compared his Walking Dead hair to a hot new character’s do, and there really is no comparison.

Happy Monday beautiful, and welcome to Ask the Pro Stylist’s Hair Police violation of the week. As a huge fan of AMC’s The Walking Dead, I was one of the millions of viewers that tuned into the season 6 premiere Sunday night.

Eugene Porter’s signature mullet has never offended the Hair Police before; it is simply part of his persona. However, last night the Walking Dead hair was the topic of a conversation with newcomer Heath, played by Corey Hawk.

The levity arrived when the 2 characters met for the first time, and Eugene gave Heath props for having hair game. But Heath’s ponytail of cornrows and curls fits the times, whereas Porter has been locked in the decade of excess (hence the comedy).

Walking Dead Hair.

The Walking Dead Hair: Corey Hawkins as Heath

And while the humorous sarcasm wasn’t lost on me, it forced me to realize that it is high time Eugene had a Walking Dead hair makeover. Who knows, maybe this will lead to Jessie updating his look, and a potential new love affair enters the mix; that is if Alexandria is still around in the upcoming weeks.

Seriously though, viewers understand Eugene is a coward. A new haircut would only make him a bit more masculine, possibly even giving his character some Samson strength.

You have to admit, for people who battle zombies and murderers on a daily basis, The Walking Dead hair of all the characters is never out of place.

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this article may be reproduced without prior written permission and consent from the author.

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