Taming Tangled Hair the Pain Free Way

Taming Tangled Hair the Pain Free Way

Taming you child’s tangled hair is easy and can be pain free if done the proper way, which is my answer to this Wednesday’s beauty question from a concerned mom. Stephanie recently wrote in asking the best way to manage her daughter’s mane.

Dear Deirdre,

I dread combing my daughter’s hair as much as she hates me doing it. It seems like it is always in one giant knot and brushing it out only causes her a great deal of pain. Please give my daughter and me a little help in taming her tangled hair.

Thanks for your time,


Hi Stephanie, and thanks for writing in. Every scalp has a varying degree of sensitivity, however detangling the hair doesn’t need to be a dreaded affair between mother and child. Taming tangled hair is easy with the following steps.

How to tame your child’s tangled hair whether using a comb or brush:

  • Beginning at the nape of the neck, taking small sections and holding the hair at the root, gently comb or brush with the strand laying in the palm, starting at the ends and moving up towards the scalp, never letting go at the base, which protects the hair from being pulled.
  • Continue this process throughout the entire head at least three times a day, in the morning, at night and prior to washing.
  • Always use a conditioner or cream rinse after shampooing and a leave-in conditioner to help comb out after washing. I recommend Macadamia Natural Oil No Tangle Leave-In Treatment.
  • Maintain the hair with frequent trims every 6-8 weeks.
  • If she is a swimmer, use chlorine removal treatments in the summer in conjunction with swimmers’ shampoo and conditioner. It is always best to swim with a bathing cap, however, if that is not possible, rinse with cool water immediately leaving the pool.

Taming tangled hair will never work if it is attacked with a brush or comb. Not only will it hurt the scalp, it will break the hair causing damage and also borders on child abuse. I am not kidding here. I recently witnessed a mother roughly combing out her daughter’s knots and the child’s head was bouncing all over the place. I was horrified and the poor girl was in pain.

If you have similar questions to taming tangled hair or any other beauty concern you’d like answered, email me at DeirdreAHaggerty@gmail.com.

Happy Styling!

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this article may be reproduced without prior written permission and consent from the author.


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