Trendy Prom Hairstyles: How to Create a Braided Fishtail Chignon

Trendy Prom Hairstyles: How to Create a Braided Fishtail Chignon

Trendy prom hairstyles are featured in this Tuesday’s how-to segment. Create a braided fishtail chignon perfect for prom or any other formal event this spring and summer.Continue reading

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Prom Hairstyles Perfect for Detailed Dresses

Prom Hairstyles Perfect for Detailed Dresses

Need a few ideas for prom hairstyles perfect for you detailed gown? Read on to see if some of the samples pictured below are suitable for your sexy prom dress.Continue reading

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Prom Hairstyles for Short Hair

Prom Hairstyles for Short Hair

Finding the best prom hairstyles for short hair is this week’s Wednesday’s beauty question answered.

This week we answer a teen’s cry for help: How to get the best prom hairstyles for short hair. Last Friday, a high school student contacted Ask the Pro Stylist for help in choosing a great prom hairstyle for her very short hair.Continue reading

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