Bridal Looks: Romantic Mermaid Curls Make a Perfect Wedding Hairstyle

Bridal Looks: Romantic Mermaid Curls Make a Perfect Wedding Hairstyle

Bridal Looks: Romantic Mermaid Curls Make a Perfect Wedding Hairstyle

The final segment of bridal looks feature romantic mermaid curls, which is the perfect wedding hairstyle for the bride on the hunt for a less formal style. This wedding hairstyle works well with off the shoulder gowns and daytime weddings that have a relaxed atmosphere (not that any bride is ever relaxed).Continue reading

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Wedding Hairstyles How-to: Tousled Side Updo

Wedding Hairstyles How-to: Tousled Side Updo

There are so many wedding hairstyles to choose from, it’s enough to make a bridezilla breathe fire. Don’t stress, as the next few weeks will showcase a series of wedding hairstyles in this beauty column. The first wedding hairstyle is of a tousled side updo, perfect for bridal gowns with lots of detail in the bodice, neck and back. The guide is courtesy of Lizzie Liros, wedding hairstyle specialist, and White Sands Hair Care, a favorite of Ask the Pro Stylist.

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