Contour and Highlight With Pro Makeup tips

Contour and Highlight With Pro Makeup tips

Contour and Highlight With Pro Makeup tips

Contour and highlight with pro makeup tips. A client and friend read a recent article on prom makeup and wanted to know if I recommended one tool that could do it all. This Wednesday’s Q&A with Ask the Pro Stylist answers my guest’s question.Continue reading

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Beauty Advice to Help Cover a Cold Sore

Beauty Advice to Help Cover a Cold Sore

Wednesday is devoted to answering reader’s questions and this week I have a touch of beauty advice to offer, to help out Madeline, who sent in the following question regarding a cold sore on the lip.Continue reading

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Makeup Advice for Women over 40

Makeup Advice for Women over 40

With the amount of makeup advice available on the Internet, you would think there would be a slight bit more accessible for women over 40, however, the world still idolizes the 25 and under face and let’s face it ladies, what worked when we were 25 doesn’t work when we are 45.Continue reading

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