Makeup Advice for Women over 40

Makeup Advice for Women over 40

With the amount of makeup advice available on the Internet, you would think there would be a slight bit more accessible for women over 40, however, the world still idolizes the 25 and under face and let’s face it ladies, what worked when we were 25 doesn’t work when we are 45.

From the moment of birth the aging process begins. With 40 being the new 30, the following makeup advice is recommended for women 40 and over. There are no secret colors to wear that will accentuate or hide wrinkles. There is however a few rules aging skin should adhere to.

Less is more

Skin begins to sag, wrinkle and ashen the older it gets and pounding on the makeup will only accentuate what aging women want to hide. In contrast, many women believe not wearing makeup will make them look younger, however, a little goes a long way. The key is finding the right balance. Color is fine, as long as it works within your skin tone. If you are unsure of which colors are the best for your complexion, visit a salon or makeup counter for a professional consult, but look for women around the same age. The 20-year-old counter clerk at Sephora will not offer the same makeup advice as the 40-year old at Macy’s.

Wing tipped eyes are appropriate for seasoned ladies. Eyeliner on the top lid opens up the eye giving the appearance of looking younger. Same rule as above applies however, less is more; a thinner line rather than a thicker one that our younger counter parts wear is more suitable. At almost 56, Dana Delany is a perfect example of how women of that age should apply makeup.

Avoid glitter

Sparkle and glitter look great, except when it gets caught in a wrinkle. Matte colors, especially around the eyes should be used rather than shimmery colors. There isn’t a specific age when glitter should be avoided, everyone’s skin ages differently. The mirror doesn’t lie, trust what you see there and use your instincts.

No raccoons allowed

As we get older, we tend to look tired and it shows with dark under eye circles. The skin also thins in that area accentuating the shadows. Using lighter than the skin tone makeup creates raccoon eyes. Instead, use an orange-based concealer with a foundation that matches the skin color. Use a light color eye shadow as a base on the lower part of the upper lid drawing the attention up to the eye, rather than focusing on the dark circles.

Don’t leave home without it

Makeup, not your American Express Card. Even if you are in a mad dash to the grocery store, apply mascara and a light shade of lipstick. As we age, our eyelashes become sparse and yes, they grey too. Our natural lip color fades just like the skin and these two little tips and tricks will never reveal your true age.

Aging gracefully is not that easy in a world that glorifies youth through means of cosmetic procedures and surgeries. Just take a look at the human Barbie and other similar women who have altered their appearances to look like dolls and live action anime.

Although celebrities have a wealth of beauty products within their grasp, following the lead and advice of the 40+ women in the media is the best example of proper makeup applications, as long as they don’t look like a clown.

Again, and this cannot be reiterated enough: Less is more will always be the best makeup advice for women over 40.

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this article may be reproduced without prior written permission and consent from the author. 

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  1. […] Ask The Pro Stylist offers these tips: […]

  2. […] concealer; it will make you look like a raccoon. I’ve written about this before, so follow this article for all year and summer makeup […]

  3. […] Makeup Advice for Women over 40 – Ask the Pro Stylist – With the amount of makeup advice available on the Internet, you would think there would be a slight bit more accessible for women over 40, however, … Summer Makeup Tips: Should I Use Bronzer in Summer? says: July 3, 2014 at 3:37 pm […]

  4. […] Ask The Pro Stylist offers these tips: […]


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