Repair Damaged Hair in 3 Easy Steps

Repair Damaged Hair in 3 Easy Steps

Repair Damaged Hair in 3 Easy Steps

Repair damaged hair in 3 easy steps from Ask the Pro Sylist. Another at-home hair color disaster ruined a reader’s head, and she wrote in asking how to fix the breakage.

Whoop, whoop, happy Hump Day hotties, and welcome to this Wednesday’s Q&A with Ask the Pro Stylist. This week answers a reader/friend’s question to repair damaged hair. She is my son’s friend, so my answer was a little harsh, especially after she told me who gave her the products to color her hair.

I was trying to go back to blonde from red. I bleached it and it turned pink. I left it alone for 2 -1/2 months, and then I bleached it again, but it was still pink so I added purple and have left it alone since mid February. I deep conditioned it…did all the things you’re supposed to for dry hair, but it’s still dry and my ends keep breaking.

After a few messages back and forth, basically berating her for doing this to herself, which apparently isn’t a big deal because she has been “coloring her own hair since high school” (SMH), I learned her “licensed friends” bought her the professional hair color, so it was “ok.”(sorry–I was mean)

Before I give my 3 easy tips to repair damaged hair, let me rant a little…PLEASE! First of all, it doesn’t matter if you are using professional products, if you aren’t trained, you shouldn’t color your own hair, hence the breakage. Secondly, these nincompoops should have known better than to buy chemicals in a beauty supply for a nonprofessional. In order to have access to professional beauty supply stores, we have to sign an agreement not to do that. If these girls truly cared about the hair profession, or were indeed licensed, they should have colored the reader’s hair for her.

Ask the Pro Stylist’s 3 easy tips to repair damaged hair:

  1. The first step to repair damaged hair is to head to a salon for a professional haircut. Her hair is breaking off. Nothing can fix that. New hair has to grow in and be maintained, but in order to help that process and avoid further breakage and damage a good haircut should occur, and frequent trims every 6-8 weeks should follow.
  2. Secondly, have the SALON color over your already over processed hair with a semi-permanent, slightly darker shade to add gloss and condition. But, do NOT attempt this by yourself!
  3. Lastly, invest in a few good hair care products to deep condition a few times a week, and for daily care as well. Do not wash every day. Use a cleansing conditioner instead of regular shampoo. But most importantly, use a professional brand, not something that you would find in CVS. I recommend Matrix, Redken, BIOSILK, and Truss Fast Repair Miracle, which I have recently sampled and love.

If you have a question for me similar to today’s query to repair damaged hair, then please email me at Until then, happy styling!

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this article may be reproduced without prior written permission and consent from the author. 

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