Itchy Scalp Remedies: Help for Itchy Scalp

Itchy Scalp Remedies: Help for Itchy Scalp

Itchy Scalp Remedies: Help for Itchy Scalp

Long Island’s dry and cool summer has led many clients to ask for itchy scalp remedies. If you are in need of help for a dry, itchy scalp, Ask the Pro Stylist has a few simple solutions.

Whoop, whoop, happy Hump hotties! Welcome to Ask the Pro Stylist’s Wednesday’s Q&A where I attempt to answer readers’ and clients’ beauty, hair and nail related questions. As I completed a slew of back-to-school haircuts, a common theme occurred, dry, itchy scalp. It seems the cooler summer we have experienced here on Long Island has given rise to an issue most often seen in the winter when the heat in the home exacerbates the need for itchy scalp remedies. This summer lacked in humidity and many complained they couldn’t get a handle on their itchy scalp.

Back in April I offered itchy scalp remedies here for a reader, but felt it could be touched upon again. Please note if these itchy scalp remedies do not work, and if your scalp scabs, scales or bleeds, visit a physician with your concerns

Dandruff is a common chronic scalp condition marked by itching and flaking of the skin on your scalp. Although dandruff isn’t contagious and is rarely serious, it can be embarrassing and sometimes difficult to treat.” Dry scalp and dandruff may have similar traits, but they are different conditions (for more information on both click here). Dry scalp is often is caused by cold, dry weather, diet or DNA, much the same as dry skin. Dry scalp and dandruff should never be mistaken for or treated the same as psoriasis, which must be treated by a medical professional. Be wary though, dermatologists understand the workings of the skin, however aren’t as familiar with hair as they claim to be.

Itchy Scalp Remedies

It is always best to give the hair a rest at least once a week. This means no heat or styling products. However, you cannot forget to tend to the scalp when caring for the hair, especially in the cooler climates where heat causes dry scalp and an increase in sebum, the oil that builds on the skin and clogs pores. In essence, the scalp needs an exfoliation similar to that of the skin on the body, but not as harsh. You could use a clarifying shampoo or in extreme cases, treat the dry patches as you would cradle cap with petroleum jelly, olive oil or baby oil put directly on the scalp. Work the products into the skin and comb through with a fine-toothed comb. Use a clarifying shampoo to rid the hair of the excess oil and flakes. Do not do this if you have plans, as the remnants could be left on the hair and it might require a few treatments to remove.

It is also best to ask your professional stylist to recommend products for chemically treated hair if you fit within that category or for your specific hair type. Almost every professional hair care line has some type of dandruff, dry scalp shampoo or clarifying treatment.

Hair Care Products Recommended as Itchy Scalp Remedies

If you have a question similar to the above query that requires itchy scalp remedies, or some beauty, hair or nails related issue that you’d like to see featured here on a Wednesday, please email me at Until then, happy styling!

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this article may be reproduced without prior written permission and consent from the author. 

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