Hair Growth Shampoo: Is It Worth The Purchase?

Hair Growth Shampoo: Is It Worth The Purchase?

Hair Growth Shampoo: Is It Worth The Purchase?

Is hair growth shampoo worth the purchase? It seems another brand is trying to sway consumers their way with the promise of longer, thicker hair. But is it all it is cracked up to be?

Whoop, whoop, it’s Hump Day! Welcome to this Wednesdays’ Q&A with Ask the Pro Stylist where readers, students, and guests’ questions are answered weekly.

Today we discuss Keranique, a hair growth shampoo and conditioning system that promises fuller, thicker and longer hair. The kit includes the Minoxidil regrowth treatment, specially formulated for women.

A future professional asked me if I knew about the brand and the purchase policy. It is one of those risk-free products that begin billing later on. While I am not familiar with the hair regrowth shampoo and system, I am familiar with these types of deals, and advised against it. Oftentimes people forget to cancel the billing and are stuck with the payments along with an overabundance of product. As I researched Keranique, I learned it is available at Ulta without the monthly commitment.

Additionally, not all hair growth shampoo and conditioners, etc., work on all individuals, so instead I suggested The Healthy Hair Diet to substitute the regrowth system or supplement it for healthy, gorgeous, shiny hair. The suggestions come from Carla Rivas, hairstylist and co-founder of the all-natural hair growth vitamin Hair La Vie. The original article I published for is rewritten below.

The expression, “you are what you eat,” rings true for hair as well. “Taking vitamins are a great way to help make your hair fuller and grow faster,” says Rivas “but while you’re patiently waiting, a change in your diet can make a huge difference and even help expedite the process.” She suggests using common sense when making healthy food choices. If the food(s), such as a diet rich in greasy or sugary substances, cause a “breakout,” then the scalp will react the same. A buildup of sebum will occur that will directly affect hair growth, leaving oily hair as a result. Additionally, if a food irritates your skin, it will also damage the hair follicle, inhibiting growth or becoming weak.

Rivas suggest avoiding sweet treats and sugary foods. Overindulgence in white foods increase the body’s insulin level, therefore causing a rise in the male hormone androgen, which has the reputation for shrinking hair follicles that leads to thin hair and loss.

Stay away from greasy foods and fatty meats, which as mentioned above, leads to a scalp and skin full of excess oil. Salty foods such as chips, frozen meals, or canned goods dry the hair and starches low in protein leave the hair limp and unhealthy.

Four foods that are a must for healthy hair are eggs, tomatoes, Greek yogurt, and lean protein, advises Rivas.

Eggs contain the protein, zinc, and iron your hair and body needs. Zinc promotes cell reproduction, tissue growth and repairs broken tissues. It also maintains the oil-secreting glands that are attached to your hair follicles, thus decreasing their chances of falling out.

Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants, which help with circulation, including the area of the scalp. “People should eat nutrient and antioxidant rich foods like fruits and vegetables. These help hydrate your scalp and strengthen your hair.”

Greek yogurt provides protein, vitamin B5 and vitamin D. Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) helps to maintain a clean scalp, which in turn “keeps the follicles from becoming irritated and promotes healthy, strong hair growth.”

Lean protein is required for bounce. “If your diet lacks protein your body will begin rationing the protein left which will lead to hair loss,” as the hair is comprised of this needed nutrient. “Protein also has the iron you need for gorgeous, healthy hair.

If you have a question for me similar to today’s hair regrowth shampoo query, please email me at Until then, happy styling!

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this article may be reproduced without prior written permission and consent from the author. 

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