Get DIY Shiny Hair With This Friday’s Favorite

Get DIY Shiny Hair With This Friday’s Favorite

Get DIY Shiny Hair With This Friday’s Favorite

Get DIY shiny hair with this Friday’s favorite beauty product of the week. Be part of the cocktail movement with a Shealicious product that adds incredible shine from a mixture of shea butter and hair oil.

TGIF gorgeous, and welcome to Ask the Pro Stylist’s weekly beauty review. This Friday’s favorite is a hair conditioning cocktail from ORS Shealicious for DIY shiny hair, specifically for curly hair types, at an incredibly affordable rate.

It’s a rare occasion when I recommend a beauty product found in Walmart or CVS and not in a salon. However, with an open mind, I sampled the Shealicious Shine Booster, and was pleasantly surprised at the immediate results, I had DIY shiny hair that lasted all week.

I always recommend a once-a-week conditioning treatment (if time allots). So, after shampooing, I mixed the therapeutic oils of amla and argan with shea butter conditioner and combed it through my hair that had been removed of excess water. I left the hair cocktail of Shealicious Shine Booster on for about 10 minutes, and rinsed well. The aroma lingered, my hair felt amazing, and the DIY shiny hair lasted all week.

Imagine my surprise when I learned where ORS Shealicious products could be purchased?

Hair cocktails have been a hot trend in salons, which have in turn spread like wild fire. Shealicious has adorable packaging that looks like a yogurt container. This allows the user to mix as much or as little for each hair product.

I highly recommend this Friday’s favorite beauty product of the week for DIY shiny hair. If you’d like Ask the Pro Stylist to sample your brand for review, please email me at Until then, happy styling!

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this article may be reproduced without prior written permission and consent from the author. 

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