Controlling Frizzy Hair in the Humidity: Best Hair Advice for Summer

Controlling Frizzy Hair in the Humidity: Best Hair Advice for Summer

How to control frizzy hair in the humidity is this Wednesday’s beauty question answered and the best hair advice for summer to have beautiful, frizz-free hair.

Happy Hump Day beauty lovers and welcome to another Wednesday edition where Ask the Pro Stylist answers you questions. As promised, today we tackle frizzy hair problems that plague many during the humid summer months.

Hi Deirdre,

I have my senior pictures and want to know if you can help me with controlling the frizz in my hair. I have been using gel and hairspray but it is still frizzy when I try to make it straight, even after the flat iron.

The answer is in the question; gel and hairspray do not control frizz, as a matter of fact, they exacerbate frizzy hair, penetrating the hair cuticle and expanding the hair shaft, creating frizz. So, the first step in managing frizzy hair in the humidity is not to use gel and hairspray.

Additionally, to control frizzy hair, Argan Oil should be used prior to blow-drying, and for increased shine, again prior to flat ironing. Also, be sure the hair is 100% dry before straightening. And get regular haircuts, every six to eight weeks; trimming is essential in removing split ends and taming frizzy hair.

If possible and financially feasible, I highly recommend a Brazilian Blowout, Keratin Treatment or Smoothing Service to control frizzy hair. While the chemicals used in the past may have received bad press, beauty companies scrambled to ensure safe products because the result of high shine, frizz-free hair was undeniable. The only downside to these services is the limitation of swimming in chlorinated water or the ocean.

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this article may be reproduced without prior written permission and consent from the author. 

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