Continuum Versus Olaplex: Which is Better?

Continuum Versus Olaplex: Which is Better?

Continuum Versus Olaplex: Which is Better?

Continuum versus Olaplex: which is better? A reader wants to know which treatment is better for the hair for this Wednesday’s Q&A with Ask the Pro Stylist.

It’s Hump Day beautiful, whoop, whoop! Welcome to another Ask the Pro Stylist Q&A. This week a reader would like to know the difference between Continuum versus Olaplex.

I read your most recent post on Continuum and was wondering if you could do a post comparing results from the two. For whatever reason, reviews on Continuum are hard to come by where Olaplex is everywhere. I know there is the information on the brand websites, but I guess I’m looking for which is better. Which is better as an additive and as a stand-alone treatment. I have fine hair that I double process and although it isn’t very dark (6a), it can be resistant to lifting and doesn’t do well with high lift and I like cooler tones. I have a shower water filter but still struggle with brassy tones and use purple shampoo with every wash but the cold, dry, winters are harsh on my hair and it can use all the extra TLC I can give it. I had weight loss surgery in August, so in November I had excessive hair loss and thinning, which is to be expected due to the initial protein dietary restrictions and that hair isn’t essential.  (Um why can’t all my leg hair fall out instead I don’t know?!). I’m now waiting for it to grow back in and want to keep every strand I can.

Both Continuum and Olaplex will add the protein your hair is lacking at the moment. The significant difference between the two lies in the developer process when using as an additive in lightener. With Olaplex the developer needs to be bumped up, but not with Continuum.

You haven’t read many reviews about Continuum because it is newer and not as widespread as Olaplex. I can’t say which is better due to the fact that every person’s hair is different, nor can I post the results because not every result will be the same. To be honest, after your surgery and hair loss, I would avoid all color services at the moment until your hair grows back. Perhaps a demi-permanent hair color in your natural shade to give your hair a break is optimal.

I know this really isn’t the answer you are looking for, but your colorist will have the best answer with what works best with the line used in the salon. He or she will also know your hair better than me as they can feel it, as well as see it. Best of luck to you and please consider giving your hair a rest.

If you have a question similar to the reader’s query about Continuum versus Olaplex, please email me at Until then, happy styling!

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this article may be reproduced without prior written permission and consent from the author.

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