Bad Hair Extensions Busted by the Hair Police, Tips to Fix

Bad Hair Extensions Busted by the Hair Police, Tips to Fix

Bad Hair Extensions Busted by the Hair Police, Tips to Fix

Bad hair extensions were busted by the Hair Police on Mother’s Day, so bad I wanted to jump out of my pew at church and fix them. How could you avoid this hair dilemma? Read on beauties for a few tips to fix bad hair extensions.

Happy Monday lovely ladies, and welcome to Ask the Pro Stylist’s Hair Police column. This week we focus on bad hair extensions and how to fix the issue.

It seems I notice the worse hair offenders at church. Why? Because, I see the backs of everyone’s head, and more times than not, people aren’t focusing on fixing the back of their hair. They don’t invest in mirrors to assist, and are most likely in a rush to get to the morning service.

While enjoying a beautiful Mother’s Day here on Long Island, and I do hope those that celebrate relished in the day, we gave a brief hour of our time to thank the Lord for all of our blessings. As worshipers gathered for the 10:30 Mass, 2 women, presumably a mother and daughter, took a pew a few rows up and to my left.

I am a hair gawker, and if it is bad, well then my eyes are glued. The younger woman had a terrible ombré/balayage and her mother had auburn hair with light blonde highlights. I actually loved the color, but the bad hair extensions really looked similar to the attached photo I found on Pinterest.

She appeared to have a decent haircut, somewhat shaggy, about shoulder length. But, I guess it wasn’t good enough for her, because it looked like she had clip-in hair extensions, about four, for added length. The problem was you could see the spacing, and the haircut didn’t flow with the extensions, it laid over it with a clear, visible line.

Understandably, not every person could be a professional stylist, nor could every professional be perfect all the time. However, hair extensions need to move with the hair, and not be obvious, or else it looks like a tail.

So, how can one accomplish this so as to not be called out by the Hair Police for bad hair extensions? Perhaps you cannot afford to have hair extensions applied professionally. I get it, the procedure and the maintenance is rigorous and expensive.

If you opt for a temporary look such as clip-ins, or even the Halo Couture Extensions (above), you should take them to your hairstylist for a trim to even it with your current haircut, and receive a demonstration on how to apply. Lastly, invest in a mirror to check your work from behind and ask someone his or her opinion before you walk out of your home and are spotted with bad hair extensions.

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this article may be reproduced without prior written permission and consent from the author.

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