Back-to-School Haircuts: What’s the Best Hairstyle for my Active Daughter?

Back-to-School Haircuts: What’s the Best Hairstyle for my Active Daughter?

It is that time of year again, when the kids to head back-to-school and parents across the country rejoice. It is also the perfect opportunity to answer this Wednesday’s hair care question: What’s the best hairstyle for my 10-year-old daughter?

Happy Hump Day beauty lovers and hair aficionados and welcome to another edition of Ask the Pro Stylist’s Wednesday Q&A. Today’s question comes from a reader who wants the most efficient hairstyle for her 10-year-old daughter’s back-to-school haircut.

Hi Deirdre,

My daughter doesn’t maintain her hair. She puts it in a ponytail and plays soccer, but she needs it long to put it in a bun for dance and hates bangs or any hair on her face. Her ends feel like brittle butter because she has been in the pool all year. What hairstyle would suit her as she heads back-to-school?

Thanks for your help,


Thanks for writing in Christine. It sounds like your daughter has a lot of hair care issues that are very typical of 10-year-old girls and commonly seen during back-to-school hair appointments.

I have a suggestion, but without actually seeing the shape of your daughter’s face, I cannot be sure this hairstyle will compliment her, but I do think it is your best solution.

It would appear your daughter has a lot of chorine build-up (the brittle-butter ends). Have your salon do a chlorine removal and conditioning service on your daughter, and if they don’t offer the service find one. It may take a few attempts to remove the chlorine.

She needs a healthy haircut. I can’t see her length, but to do what she needs for soccer and dance, hair just below the shoulders or shoulder length will suffice. Maintaining healthy hair requires a haircut (trim) every six to eight weeks. She’ll only need a little off at a time after this initial back-to-school haircut. I would also direct the hair towards her face, with some long layers to clear up the butter ends. The hair will not fall in her face, but frame it without the bangs, and she can still keep it long, put it in a ponytail for soccer, a bun for dance and even braid it.

I hope the above has answered Christine’s back-to-school haircut dilemma. If you have a similar hair, nails or beauty question you would like to see featured here, please email me at

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this article may be reproduced without prior written permission and consent from the author. 

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