A Guide to Hair Extensions

A Guide to Hair Extensions

Have hair extensions questions? The following guide is sure to help create hot hairstyles, especially for the upcoming holidays.

Hair extensions can be seen everywhere from celebrities to brides, come in all shades, textures and styles, are made of synthetic or human hair, and can be purchased as clip-ins or wefts, and make a great change-up for holiday hairstyles. With the numerous ways to apply hair extensions, questions arise for choosing the best method and proper maintenance.

Clip-in Hair Extensions

Which is better for the hair, clip-in hair extensions or salon-applied wefts? The answer depends on many different factors such as the reason for wanting extensions, physical activity and the age of the client. As any professional will advise, it is always best to have any service performed in the salon through a licensed hairstylist, even for the application of clip-in hair extensions. However, a salon service may not always be feasible or affordable.

Clip-in hair extensions are for quick style changes, affairs and adding fun color or feathers where a permanent effect isn’t the desired outcome. They are simple to apply using pressure sensitive clips and come in a variety of lengths, styles and colors. Hairextension.com not only sells a multitude of hair extensions and pieces, but also offers videos on how to apply each and every style. Sally Beauty Supply also sells human hair extensions at incredibly low prices.

Clip-in hair extensions are temporary and should be removed gently. They are perfect for teens and pre-teens that want a splash of fun color. If tangling occurs, do not rip or cut the clips out. Start from the nape and work up, combing tiny sections at a time. If the knot is extremely matted, apply tiny amounts of conditioner and comb through. If a professional installed the clip-in, have it removed by the same individual.

Salon Hair Extensions

Weaves and hair extensions are an output of the African-American salons and were made popular through celebrities. Hair extensions are now available for every ethnicity and come in numerous ways to apply without the use of braiding. Fusion, modulating, waxing, gluing, knotting, taping, threading and micro-ring installation are the modus operandi of hairstylists applying hair extensions. Which one is best is up for debate and depends on the salon and stylist. However, anything not utilizing heat or that which avoids the least amount of stress will be less intrusive to the hair. It is not recommended to attempt to apply these types of extensions at home. In-salon hair extensions are for a more permanent effect such as adding length or thickness and can last up to seven months if maintained properly.

Maintaining Hair Extensions

Synthetic hair extensions should be cared for following the package directions. Synthetic hair is acrylic and cannot withstand high heat (unless of a better quality), nor should it be dyed. Many more options are available for natural hair extensions; however, all chemical procedures must be done in a salon. As every procedure and product may require unique maintenance, it is imperative to adhere to the advice of the hairstylist for enduring extensions. It is not advisable for children or even young teens to have extensions unless they will follow the steps required.

  • Don’t let the extensions get tangled; brush regularly.
  • Do not sleep on wet hair, especially with many hair extensions.
  • Shampoo, condition and use salon recommended products according to the stylist.
  • Removal and reattachment should only occur in the salon.
  • Use heat styling carefully and in moderation.
  • Follow the advice and directions of the stylist who applied the hair extensions.

For optimal hair extension results, it cannot be stressed enough to follow the advice of the hairstylist and the manufacturers instructions.

Happy Styling!

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this article may be reproduced without prior written permission and consent from the author. 

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  1. […] questions. However, this week’s question comes from a reader, client and dear friend, who wanted hair extensions for New Year’s Eve, especially after reading about thinning hair advice […]


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