80s hair: Time to find a new hairstyle

80s hair: Time to find a new hairstyle

It’s time to get rid of the 80s hair. I mean it was more than a quarter century ago, so why would you continue to wear your mullet, spiky bangs and teased top? Yes, if you are reading this and stuck in the neon decade I am talking to you and Bruce Jenner! Let’s find a new hairstyle for 2014!

Whoop, whoop, happy Hump Day hotties, and welcome to another Wednesday installment of Ask the Pro Stylist, where I answer clients’ and readers’ beauty, nails and hair questions. This week we deal with 80s hair, and I apologize now, but I won’t be nice. Listen, I loved my big Bon Jovi 80s hair back in the day! But as soon as the calendar turned to 1990, so did my style, as it did every year since. Yes, yes, yes, I am a hairstylist and privy to the world of hair, but unless you live in a box, and I don’t mean a TV, then you too have a wealth of styles to choose from that aren’t dated from the decade of excess.

80s Hair Heather Locklear

80s Hair Heather Locklear

80s Hair Morgan Fairchild

80s Hair Morgan Fairchild

I began my soapbox 80s hair tirade yesterday when I wrote about Bruce Jenner and his mullet! OMG, dude, like puhlease! Do my words nauseate? Well, that is exactly how I felt when I saw a photograph of Bruce Jenner’s mullet, and my husband wore one at our wedding, roflmao! But, that was 1989 peeps, and he was hot (still is for that matter). Enjoy the laughable pics I have included…we deserve it.

80s Hair

80s Hair: The author and Husband above 1989 and with BFF below 1988.

80s Hair

The Bruce Jenner mullet then got me thinking about a client’s question from last week. When I asked how she wanted a haircut, she suggested layers and a short top so she could have height. I said, well, “you don’t want to have hair like so-and-so, her look is so dated. I will give you a modern version,” to which she, replied, “I love her hair; that is why I came to you!” OH BOY!

I style so-and-so’s hair different when she is in my chair, but she reverts to that old 80s hair standard. I explained to the new one that haircut is such an out of style look, but you could still have body and fullness, which will add height without the fluffy bangs. I gave her a modernized version and hopefully she was happy and won’t tease up those bad boys once she leaves.

So, ditch the 80s hair and join the second decade of the new millennium where options are plentiful, but don’t include the looks throughout this article. What works for 2014? Subscribe to this column for weekly updates of the current hair and beauty trends. And I hope I didn’t offend, but honesty is best when facing the hard truth of excessive hairspray.

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this article may be reproduced without prior written permission and consent from the author. 

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