The Best Detangler For Kids

The Best Detangler For Kids

The Best Detangler For Kids

So what is the best detangler for kids, and all who suffer from a sensitive scalp and knotty hair? It’s been written about here just recently, and a reader wrote in with an inspirational hair story to share.

Whoop, whoop it’s Hump Day, and time for another Wednesday Q&A with Ask the Pro Stylist, however this week I wanted to share a feel-good story from Nadine Monique, a mom and salon owner, who shared why Continuum is the best detangler for her daughter and others.

Best Detangler

Best Detangler: Balayage        with Continuum

Some of you might recall the favorable outcome and subsequent review I posted about restructuring hair with Continuum by DS Laboratories. I recently used it during a balayage in the above photo, and once again had superb results. The product has received high customer satisfaction, as is evident by the following story, which basically proclaims it as the best detangler.

“I recently saw your article about Continuum and just wanted to share my experience. Anyone who has been there while I was doing my daughter Izzy’s hair knows that she is about one octave away from the neighbors calling CPS for fear that I’m abusing her.

Well one of my reps at the salon recently saw her and asked if I would be willing to try a new product by DS Labs called Continuum on her hair. As I read the directions I was a little hesitant since the first two steps said to clarify the hair then mix .5oz of “Ro-Maxx” with 1.5oz of water in a spray bottle, spray the hair and comb through…ok, I can use a whole bottle of detangler on her hair after I shampoo and deep condition her hair and still battle “combing” through it, and now I’m supposed to clarify, spray her hair with a mixture of .5 product and water and they expect me to comb this through…oh lawd, this outta be fun!

Before I brought her to the salon I decided to condition it at home and do a “pre-comb” to try and deter from scaring any clients while they witness my attempt at this. Well let me tell you, I was absolutely BLOWN away.

After spraying the Ro-Maxx into her hair I was really able to comb it. Those are the second set of pics. We let it sit for 10 minutes, rinsed it and ran the second product “Ro-Zen” through her hair like conditioner. The directions said to leave it on anywhere from 10-20 min. We did 30 (just in case).


Best Detangler

                Best Detangler

Izzy was so ecstatic. It was the first time ever in her life she could actually run her fingers through her hair, especially while it was curly. She begged me to blow dry it and flat iron it so she could wear it straight for once. Oh and let me mention not a single tear was shed throughout this whole process!!!!”

If you have a question or a story you’d like to share similar to today’s best detangler synopsis, please email me at Until then, happy styling!

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this article may be reproduced without prior written permission and consent from the author. 

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