Five Best Products to Brighten Curly Gray Hair You’ll Love

Five Best Products to Brighten Curly Gray Hair You’ll Love


TGIF (said no hairstylist, ever)! Except this stylist, thanks to Covid. This Friday’s Favorite from Ask the Pro Stylist is in response to a reader who sent me a message on Facebook. She was referencing an article from 2014 about three ways to brighten gray hair. She also had some questions regarding her curly hair. Therefore, today I propose five best products I think you’ll love that will brighten curly gray hair and hydrate.

Ardis Wants to Know if my Recommendations Work on Black Women’s Grey Hair?

Initially, Ardis was curious to know if the products I mention here are “good for black women’s grey hair.” Yes, is the answer. However, I also suggest two more that are better for additional moisture.

Five Best Products

Photo by Natasha Brazil on Unsplash

Five Best Products to Brighten Curly Gray Hair You’ll Love

These recommendations are in no particular order. In addition, I prefer masks or conditioner with a purple base to brighten. However, they won’t provide the moisture curly hair needs. Therefore, if your hair is curly to extra curly it requires more hydration. Use the purple shampoos to brighten and the ultra-rich hydration from these brands to then condition.

  • Redken Color Extend Graydiant is sublime. We used to recommend the Color Extend for Blondes; using it at the back bar in between highlights and toners. However, now Redken has a shampoo focus on gray hair, and it is ideal. In addition, any of the All Soft products are super for curly hair. However, the Mega Mask gives insane moisture.
  • JOICO Color Balance Purple ShampooThe brand touts why it’s fabulous. And, as a stylist I concur. Love it! Additionally, for hydration, K-Pak still rules.
  • Paul Mitchell Platinum Blondesays it’s for blondes, but it works fantastically on gray hair.  Also, try Lavender Mint Moisturizing Conditioner for great hydration.
  • Shimmer LightsYes, the old tried and true is still very popular; especially on the wallet. However, if you are extra curly, you need to pair this with a good conditioner.
  • BioSilk Color Therapyis one of my faves, and their Silk Therapy Original hair oil is the top-rated styling product for shine and hydration.

Don’t Overuse

Overuse of anything is never a good idea. Therefore, follow manufacturer’s directions and use accordingly. If you shampoo weekly, use the above every other week. In other words, alternate between using purple shampoo with your regular shampoo. Because, too much use could create a lavender hue.

Why I’m Not a Fan of Grey Hair

Ironically, someone from across the pond recently emailed, blasting me about the 2014 article because I wrote this:

“I am not an advocate of ever going gray. Next to wrinkles and sagging skin, gray hair is the biggest aging culprit, adding 10 years easy. However, some people are comfortable with maturing, and that is great”

So, let me explain. My favorite teacher in high school was my cosmetology teacher. As such, I hung on her every word, which included the sentiment that grey hair adds 10 years. While grey hair is a beautiful trend, it just doesn’t work on me. Generally, and I mean GENERALLY, silver and gray look stunning on the under 30 crowd. Our skin ashen as we age; just like our hair. It loses pigment. Cool tones on cool tones are not complementary. Therefore, it runs the risk of aging us further. Unless, you are one of the lucky ones who doesn’t show their age, then, have at it.

Pandemic Grey Hair Trend: Then the Five Best Products are for YOU Too!

Many of us let our regrowth grow and grow. Some embraced the new pandemic hair trend and look amazing in the process. Me? Not so much. It is fact we do not gray evenly. My back is still sprinkled with a lot of pepper. The hairline and top are white. Yes, straight-up white, because, I have a grey streak since the age of 8. As it was on the top, that area is now white. While I have a lot of hair, when the light hits it, it becomes translucent and my scalp looks patchy and thin. So, while the front color is stunning, it ages me because of the color and translucency. At 53, I am just not ready yet!

Happy Styling!

If you have a question like today’s query or a product for review like the best products I recommend, then please email me at  Remember, stay safe, wear your face covering, get vaccinated and visit your stylist for their suggestions to brighten your gray hair. Until then, happy styling!

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. It is unlawful to reproduce this article or any part therein without prior written permission and consent from the author.

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