Yelp Reviews About Beauty Schools’ Salon Services

Yelp Reviews About Beauty Schools’ Salon Services

Yelp Reviews About Beauty Schools’ Salon Services

For me Yelp reviews are out of control. While it is always nice to get an opinion on a new place to eat or a service one might be considering, online reviews are just another way for the anonymous to gain a backbone and trash talk behind a computer screen.

Happy Monday beautiful and welcome to Ask the Pro Stylist’s Hair Police. This week I rant over Yelp reviews, specifically ones aimed at beauty schools that offer salon services to the public. While sometimes Yelp reviews could be quite useful, it often seems it’s just another forum for a chronic complainer to air what their “friends” are tired of hearing, utter bullshit.

Sometimes businesses respond in an effort to better customer service, and in this respect Yelp reviews are welcomed. However, as most readers are aware, I am a beauty educator, working in a cosmetology school that offers salon services 5 days a week by budding, wide-eyed, sometimes nervous future professionals.

These students are learning the art of hair, and while on the clinic floor, are guided by licensed professionals/teachers. Some are quicker than others, but all are still practicing and studying new techniques. We advise, correct, and lead the future professional in the right direction. They lack the experience and skill professionals have gained, therefore guests sign a waiver and receive a great service at a reduced cost of what would be found in a salon. If the guest wants a service by a licensed professional and thinks the teacher will do the entire color or cut, they are sadly mistaken.

We shouldn’t take the scissors, comb, or applicator brush away from the future professional unless the student asks for assistance, as this will kill their self-esteem. So then why on God’s green earth would a dumbass reviewer take to Yelp or another forum to criticize a learner in the midst of his or her learning experience? That lacks heart, empathy and a general sense of intelligence! How would you like it if someone critically ruined you before you embarked on your career?

Shame on all of you that enter a cosmetology school’s salon for a discounted service, and then rip up the budding professional on what they are learning in your horrific Yelp reviews. If you want perfection, then shell out the big bucks and pay for it, BUT DON’T YOU DARE DIMINISH THE SELF WORTH OF SOMEONE JUST STARTING OUT! Your words have the ability of doing more damage than good. Consider yourself nailed by the Hair Police.

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this article may be reproduced without prior written permission and consent from the author.

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