Thinning Hair Advice For Aging Women

Thinning Hair Advice For Aging Women

Thinning hair advice for aging women is a topic of concern for many. Although not always an easy subject for sufferers to broach, it has become less of a stigma as more thinning hair care products and solutions invade the beauty market.

Whoop, whoop! Happy Hump Day, slightly late, I know, but I was celebrating my 25th wedding anniversary. Welcome to Ask the Pro Stylist’s Wednesday’s Q&A where I attempt to answer readers and clients questions. A dear friend and client was concerned offer the decreased thickness of her hair during a recent color service and expressed the need for thinning hair advice. While she still has a healthy amount of locks, it has thinned with age, especially in comparison to her teenage daughter.

In March I wrote about the Best Thinning Hair Care Products for Volume and Root Lift and decided to expound with more thinning hair advice for aging women, as it affects many. There could be a variety of reasons for the hair to thin and become sparse. Diet, illness, antibiotics, giving birth, or genetics are a few causes as to why men and 50% of women over age 30 lose their hair and become bald or thin sporadically. The first step is visiting a physician to find out the cause and if there is an available treatment or if there is a possibility the hair will grow back. Please note, while there is currently no cure for male or female pattern baldness that comes with age, there have been vast advancements in the hair care industry and medical field, which have developed treatments to stimulate hair growth.

My thinning hair advice for aging women first begins with healthy eating, proper nutrition, taking vitamins, daily exercise and limiting stress. Easier said than done, I understand, but a regular workout regimen increases happy endorphins, which in turn reduces stress. The outgrowth of hair is a representation of what is within. Secondly, and key thinning hair advice, is to visit your licensed professional regularly and receive frequent trims every 8 weeks, plus only have your color and chemical services done in a salon.

There are great products to create fuller hair, and while there is no valid scientific evidence to support hair regrowth, consumers, hair care professionals and many celebrities swear by the effectiveness of hair care products such as Nioxin Hair Care Systems, Viviscal supplements and Bio Follicle Rosemary and Mint Shampoo and Conditioner followed by the Hair Support System Leave-In Spray. Reports have indicated these thinning hair care products create fullness and prevent further hair loss.

If you have a question for me similar to this Wednesday’s thinning hair advice for aging women, please email me at

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this article may be reproduced without prior written permission and consent from the author. 

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