Remove Hair Color Stains From Gel Nails

Remove Hair Color Stains From Gel Nails

Remove Hair Color Stains From Gel Nails

The removal of hair color stains from gel nails is a hot topic for beauty professionals who enjoy well-polished nails. Instead of suffering from “ombre” nails, try a few tips to remove hair color stains from gel nails in this week’s Q&A with Ask the Pro Stylist.

Whoop, whoop, it’s Hump Day, and time for another weekly Q&A with Ask the Pro Stylist. If your gel nails are constantly suffering from “work-related trauma” i.e., hair color stain removal; the following suggestions will help keep your salon service intact.

A future professional that enjoys an affinity for bi-weekly gel manicures recently asked me how to remove hair color stains from her gel nails. I cannot remember if the student used gloves to wash out the guest’s hair color. Either way, her manicure suffered from hair color stains.

I responded to her query sarcastically with, “You don’t,” because I am an eternal smart ass. Wearing gloves during the application and washing experience will deter this common color challenge. However, even with the best of precautions, on a busy day, hair color stains occur.

I have always enjoyed long nails throughout my beauty career. From the beginning I have used a nailbrush on my hands every time I shower. If that doesn’t work, try a mixture of baking soda and dish detergent, isopropyl alcohol on a cotton ball, petroleum jelly, or non-gel toothpaste.

If you have a question similar to this week’s quest to remove hair color stains from gel nails, please email me at Until then, happy styling!

Update: Yes, I know it is Thursday, the auto publish feature failed to work for me yesterday. Tune in on Friday for my favorite beauty product of the week!

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this article may be reproduced without prior written permission and consent from the author. 

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