Hot Hair Color Trends from the L’Oreal Colour Trophy Awards

Hot Hair Color Trends from the L’Oreal Colour Trophy Awards

The hair color trends that emerged from the L’Oreal Colour Trophy Awards expound on ombre highlighting and pastel shades with the top three winners creating outstanding variations of what is hot in hair coloring.

L’Oreal Colour Trophy 2013 is in its 58th year as Britain’s premier hairdressing competition that not only inspires Europe, but also the world showcasing the hottest in hair color trends.

The top three winners can be seen in the photograph above, creating colorful work based upon the most popular hair color trends, ombre highlighting and pastel hair coloring.

The grand prizewinner is indeed the best of the top three, creating a gradient color effect utilizing the ombre hair color trend within the red family of copper on the top, strawberry blonde in the middle and a deeper red on the model’s ends.

The hair colors from the second and third place winners have been written about repeatedly here and in my other columns, and I am not a fan of pastel pinks, lavenders and the silvery, platinum hue with a touch of lilac. These colors do not transcend the ages, as they can only be worn on teens and twenty-somethings, and are strictly a fad.

As I have frequently complained, pastels require a great deal of maintenance and the platinum silver hair color trend ages the wearer, limiting the clientele. Does this mean the winner shouldn’t receive accolades for creating spectacular, vibrant, glossy hair color? No, of course not, to create those looks are inspiring, however, just not practical for regular guests of the hair salon and anyone over the age of 29. They also wash out the complexion, no matter what the skin tone.

To get details on the British salons that created the masterful works of art and hot hair color trends, visit the L’Oreal Colour Trophy site. Happy Styling!

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this article may be reproduced without prior written permission and consent from the author. 


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