Home Hair Color Tips

Home Hair Color Tips

If you want home hair color tips from a professional hairstylist, then you certainly have stumbled across the right beauty blog. Read on for home hair color tips from Ask the Pro Stylist.

Whoop, Whoop! Happy Hump Day hot mamas, and welcome to another Wednesday Q&A of Ask the Pro Stylist where this professional answers readers’ and guests’ beauty, hair and nail-related questions.

Another reader is on the hunt for home hair color tips. Frequent visitors and recurring clients know what my answer will be, but I do have so much fun prolonging the inevitable. My assumption is that Sophia does her own hair color at home, because this question would have been answered from a salon professional if a colorist had dyed her hair.

Hi was looking for advice. I have been coloring my hair for a long time, and for the last 5 years I have been using blue/black hair dye. I would really like to go blonde, but have always feared the damage it may cause. Please, could you advise me on this?

Hi Sophia,

Thanks for writing in. If you are dying your hair yourself, then I suggest running to a salon and have a professional gradually get you lighter. I will write this up to appear in my column next Wednesday with more details.

As this question remained secured within my inbox, I have since lightened box-colored hair from home, which was a brassy mess, and took some time. And, one of my favorite sites, BehindtheChair.com posted the attached photo that advises on home hair color tips, and I thought I’d share since it serves today’s purpose perfectly.

Home Hair Color Tips:

  • Don’t do it!
  • Leave it to the professional stylists!
  • Too late? Call 486-539-6876 (I Told You So)
  • Report to a professional salon/stylist and bring a blank check.

Why the blank check? Because it costs more money to do corrective hair color than all of the money you’ve saved from purchasing the dreaded boxed color, which in this economy isn’t cheap any more anyway. And black hair!!! You might as well color the hair with a permanent magic marker, because going blonde after 5 years of dying the hair blue/black at home is not going to become lighter easily, affordably and without some type of stress to the hair.

It’s kindergarten basics folks. When you color a picture with brown or black crayon, a yellow crayon will not lighten it, nor will a basic eraser make it yellow; it will dull or fade the color, even lighten it a touch, but it won’t turn yellow. You need to use elbow grease to remove as much color as possible and then go over it with another color, but remnants of the darker crayon still exist. And then it is garbage, you cry; throw the picture on the floor, have a tantrum and it is naptime.

So what do you do? What are my home hair color tips? Nothing! You visit a professional and work out a strategy to lighten the hair. For optimal results to maintain the integrity of the hair, a gradual lightening of the color is best and your colorist can suggest many different ways to do this. Or, just stay the inky color you are, but do get frequent trims to at least keep it somewhat healthy.

Happy Styling!

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this article may be reproduced without prior written permission and consent from the author. 


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