Gel Nail Polish Allergies Revisited

Gel Nail Polish Allergies Revisited

Gel nail polish allergies are once again revisited in this Wednesday’s Ask the Pro Stylist Q&A. Gel nail polish allergies are not surprising, considering the rise of gel nail products and the highly allergic main ingredient of formaldehyde. However, there are safe alternatives and formaldehyde-free products on the rise for those who love the nails, but could do without the after-effects.

Whoop, whoop! Happy end of Hump Day! This week’s query comes from a reader and beauty student who has found she might have gel nail polish allergies.


I hope you can help me. I have recently started studying acrylic and gel nails at college. I think I am allergic to the products. I use EzFlow nail systems, gel and tips plus the UV lamp. My nose and eyes are becoming extremely sore and red from using these. Is there anything on the market that I can use ,or am I destined not to have anything to do with gel?

Thank you & regards


I advised Adele to read one of my past articles on formaldehyde-free options for those who suffer from gel nail polish allergies. I told her I’d have to search the ingredients, which I did, but the website didn’t list any. Her symptoms sound like an allergy to the formaldehyde, a common reaction with gel nails and acrylics and an ingredient in most brands, although there are a few that do not include it (see above link). The article lists some options, however if you suspect you have acrylic or gel nail polish allergies, the first step to determine it is to see an allergist to make sure you are indeed allergic to formaldehyde.

If you have a beauty question for me, similar to Adele’s, please email me at Happy Styling and GO RANGERS!

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this article may be reproduced without prior written permission and consent from the author. 

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