Gel Manicure Safety Continued

Gel Manicure Safety Continued

Responding to the two articles I wrote yesterday regarding gel manicure safety, Gel Nail Polish Damages Nails and May Even Lead to Skin Cancer and Dr. Oz Examines the Safety of Gel Manicures, the PBA contacted me on Twitter last night with the following tweet: “Please check how gels & UV Nail lights are safe (Journal of Investigative Dermatology), see “Professional Beauty Association”.” In an effort to bring the readers both sides of what has become a heated debate on gel manicure safety, I have attached the link to the Nail Manufacturer Council on Safety Publications.

Please don’t get me wrong, not only am I a beauty writer, but also a licensed professional, practicing in the field for over 25 years now and also a gel nail polish user. However, after a few months of using gel nail polish, I noticed my normally strong, hard nails dwindling and I began to question gel manicure safety long before the media frenzy occurred.

What should be noted in the PBA’s links are the titles of a few of the entries claiming gel manicures are safe: “UV Lamps Don’t ‘Appear’ to Cause Skin Cancer”, “Little Risk of Skin Care Associated with the Use of Nail Lamp*” and “UV Gel Manicures – Proper Removal for Continued Nail Health”. The words “appear” and “little risk” are enough to cause concerned individuals a moment of pause and reconsider if little risks are worth the almost three weeks of chip free wear. I have to say, my gel manicures never lasted three weeks.

However, my biggest issue with gel manicure safety is the removal process, which even if infections do not occur, peels off layers of the nail. Unless you are a chronic tip wearer, the gel nail polish just isn’t worth the little risks that appear, for me anyway. I only report my opinion and expertise in the area, it is up to the readers to make informed decisions and that is why today, I bring you both sides of the gel manicure safety spectrum.

For the readers looking for chip resistant, healthy manicures, the 3-Free Nail Lacquer Company, butter LONDON, offers an alternative to attractive nails without any risks to nail and skin health. More information on gel manicure safety is listed in the links provided above.

Happy Styling!

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this article may be reproduced without prior written permission and consent from the author. 

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  1. […] efforts resulted in the YouVeeShield, which finally puts an end to gel manicure safety concerns over any potential damage from UV Light or possible skin sensitivity due to medication or […]


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