Eyebrow Guide: Tips to Perfect Brows

Eyebrow Guide: Tips to Perfect Brows

Eyebrow Guide: Tips to Perfect Brows

An eyebrow guide has become necessary after witnessing a common mistake on a local news story. Of course the shaved off brows landed on this Monday’s Ask the Pro Stylist Hair Police, with a few tips to always have perfect eyebrows.

Happy Monday gorgeous, and welcome to Ask the Pro Stylist’s Hair Police, which has found an epic brow fail. It is a common error, easily rectified with a few tips in the following eyebrow guide.

The attached photo was taken off the television of a woman in a local news story. It is a bit pixelated, and I blurred her eyes to keep her identity secret. However, it is clear to see a common mistake often made in eyebrow creations. She shaved off her brows, and painted on new ones. While this is a common beauty trend, there are many errors often made, exacerbating the faux look.

The first step within my eyebrow guide is to skip the shaving and just wax them off. If you like the look of drawn on eyebrows, waxing the area will not leave razor stubble as the brows grow back, as is seen in the photo.

It is evident in the picture; this woman went slightly higher than her natural brow line. To avoid this dilemma take a photo of the brows before removing, and then follow your natural brow when lining them.

Although I am not a fan of this look, it is very popular. However, it looks extremely fake, and silly. The eyebrows frame the face, and when not done right, the frame is broken.

Place a pencil at the base of the nose to the tear duct. This is where the brow should start. From the base place it on a diagonal to the outer corner of the eye, which is where the tail should land. The arch is on the outside of the iris. This is the natural shape of the brow. Follow this eyebrow guide when drawing in a false look, tweezing, or simply filling in.

But please don’t shave them off to make new brows, or you too could end up caught by Ask the Pro Stylist’s Hair Police, or at the very least have an eyebrow guide emailed your way. Until next week, happy styling!

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this article may be reproduced without prior written permission and consent from the author.

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