Dry Hair Help: Healthy Hair Tips

Dry Hair Help: Healthy Hair Tips

Dry Hair Help: Healthy Hair Tips

In need of dry hair help? Today’s reader wants’ to know how to make her hair healthy, and Ask the Pro Stylist as a few tips on the road to hydrated, shiny hair.

Whoop, whoop, it’s HUMP DAY, and time for another beauty Q&A with Ask the Pro Stylist. This week, Lynn is in need of dry hair help.

My hair is very dry…what can I do to make it healthy.

Lynn found me on Bellashoot, a social networking site devoted to all things beauty. For her quest of dry hair help I advised the reader to get frequent trims, about every 6-8 weeks. The hair will still grow, but take off any breakage leading to excess split ends and further damage. Avoid washing the hair every day and deep condition once a week. Also, avoid hot tools as much as possible and only use professional hair care products such as shampoo and conditioner along with a leave-in treatment and a shine/gloss to condition daily and coat the cuticle. I’d also suggest a glaze like PM Shines that adds soy protein, which strengthens the hair and provides an intense shine.

Additionally, healthy hair begins from the inside out. A nutritious diet of avocado, lean protein, and tomato, among other vitamin-rich foods and whole grains, along with at least 8, 8-ounce glasses of water a day leads to healthy skin and hair. We always need to hydrate from the inside out because our skin and hair are an output of what we ingest.

If you have a hair, nails, or beauty question similar to Lynn’s that you’d like to see featured on Ask the Pro Stylist, email me at DeirdreAHaggerty@gmail.com. Until then, happy styling!

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this article may be reproduced without prior written permission and consent from the author. 

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