Burning Beauty Bridges in the Industry

Burning Beauty Bridges in the Industry

Burning Beauty Bridges in the Industry

Burning beauty bridges in this industry is never recommended. As a matter of fact, a great rule of thumb on any career path is to never ruin the relationships of those you have worked with because you never know at what point their opinion of you could make or break your next career move.

Happy Monday beautiful, and welcome to this week’s Ask the Pro Stylist Hair Police column where the topic of the day is burning beauty bridges. If you have let your anger dictate career decisions, perhaps you should take a step back, take a deep breath, and think about the repercussions of your actions, of what you say, or the negative comments you write might have.

The beauty industry is a small one. Although the scope might seem rather vast, I can always spot a fellow beauty insider. No matter where I go, I know someone who knows someone that I know in the field. So, if I pissed off and insulted “A” with a snarky email or quit in a dramatic way and “A” is friends with “B,” the salon owner of the place I just applied for a new position in, chances are I am not getting hired, or if I am, I will be watched intently.

Burning bridges is never a good idea in any industry when it comes to career advancement, however in the beauty field, people tend to gossip a bit more, whether allowed or not. Gossip is frowned upon, and something many businesses do not tolerate. But let’s face it, gossip happens. If you are the one that caused the gossip and burned the beauty bridges as well, my suggestion is to find a new career, or at the very least, get some professional help to deal with what it is that caused you to behave that way in the first place.

So let’s stop burning beauty bridges and support one another in a field that needs unity for health insurance, retirement plans and a secure future, or the Hair Police might issue you with a violation. Until next week, happy styling!

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this article may be reproduced without prior written permission and consent from the author. 

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