Beauty Comes From Within: Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

Beauty Comes From Within: Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

Beauty Comes From Within: Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

The concept that beauty comes from within has been a common theme as of late. I have witnessed women that break down other women through gossip and insecurity and have seen others struggle with unrealistic ideals; all as I try to consistently better myself overall. Therefore, on this celebratory Memorial Day Monday, Ask the Pro Stylist’s Hair Police column wants to remind readers that your beauty comes from within: change your mind and a better life will follow.

Happy Monday and Happy Memorial Day beautiful! Welcome to Ask the Pro Stylist’s Hair Police column that kicks off the week of beauty. Rather than critiquing hair or makeup faux pas that I have seen, today I want to focus on inner beauty because I have noticed a lot of ugly behavior as of late.

I hate when women assault other women with negativity, critiques, and gossip. Lately I have had a few clients blatantly lie about certain things, which aren’t of importance, but what was questionable, was their reaction when they were subtly called out. Instead of owning it, they blamed someone else, or worse, brought attention to an innocent bystander through idle, negative, and offensive chatter. All that does is prove you lack inner beauty, self worth and common decency.

Then there is the mindset needed to achieve weight loss and fitness goals. No, we don’t have to be perfectly Photoshopped to achieve inner happiness. Every shape and size is beautiful. However, when exercise and healthy eating are adapted to feel good, increase happy endorphins, and have more energy, the rest falls into place.

And finally, when you think positively, when you wish others wellness, the beauty of life is simply perceived differently. This isn’t an easy task for those that never have anything nice to say and complain consistently. But if you focus on one aspect per day, for instance, if you are impatient, let someone cut you on line, or wake up every morning, look in the mirror and say out loud, “Today is going to be great,” then the positive energy will come and flow.

Real Beauty, Inner Beauty

Real Beauty, Inner Beauty

As the picture above states, beauty really is about having a “pretty mind, a pretty heart, and a pretty soul.” I am not perfect by any stretch of the word, but I work everyday at trying to better my body, my health, my heart, my mind, and my soul, and I refuse to surround myself with negative people. Enjoy the rest of this Memorial Day weekend, and stay beautiful as we remember all those that have protected our freedom and still do.

©Deirdre Haggerty, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this article may be reproduced without prior written permission and consent from the author. 

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  1. […] of the same sex. The conversation bothered me because it is terribly true. I touched on this last Monday, and didn’t want to be redundant, but then I saw a Facebook post of Caitlyn Jenner captioned with […]


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